Tuesday, January 27, 2009

HUET training

Finished the Helicopter Underwater Egress Training today. Had fun. Basically a survival course detailing what to do should the helicopter go down en route to the platform. Charming eh? Anyway, the culmination is when you have to pass a practical whereby you're in a mock fuselage and you crash in the water. The fuselage submerges and rolls over....whilst you're strapped in!!!

They teach you how to eject the emergency windows and get out. It's pretty daunting when underwater, upside down and still strapped in!!!

Anyway, got through and it was fun. Now out to the rigs in the GOM!!!

Cheers for now


Monday, January 26, 2009


....as I left the apartment in my new car yesterday morning, I couldn't help but feel for this guy!!!

Houston car show 01/25/2009

Thought I'd drop off my Ferrari for everyone to see.... :)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Pics of my new car...

....You like? She drives so beautifully. I've never had such an awesome car.

Thursday, January 8, 2009