Saturday, October 31, 2009

Wings over Houston - 31 October 2009

It was the turn of the Blue Angels, from Pensecola, Fl. this year. Just as good as last year's Thunderbirds, but they belong to the US Navy.

As usual, the F-15 stole the show for me....

Again an amazing event.

The dock....

....well the new dock is finished at last. Hope you like the pics....

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Dock build...October 2009

Well hello there. Having the dock put in at the moment, so here is the picture update of the house as promised. Saw U2 last week and they lived up to their reputation. Getting colder here now, so that means time for skiing again!!!!!!!! Hope to see you all soon, love you Mam, Tash and Isis. Damion