Saturday, December 5, 2009

Grand Canyon and Sedona - November 2009

We had a great time in Arizona a couple of weeks ago. Now I know why Sedona is regarded as the prettiest town on the planet....even the sidewalks are a dyed red!

The Grand Canyon really is a sight to behold and a place where you can't help contemplating your little purpose on this vast mortal coil....

I even had time for a quick pic at the same place where the King (Elvis, not Larry) shot some scenes from one of his deep dramatic movies....check it out!!!
Enjoy the pics Mam.


Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

Hello to the Dunne's from a chilly USA!!! Well I drove home from work yesterday (December 4) through a snow storm and I'm flying to Singapore tomorrow (Sunday) and it'll be sweltering no doubt. That'll be a swing of over 30 degrees!!!!

Enjoy the couple of pics y'all!!!