Tuesday, December 30, 2008


...Some more Xmas pics. Yes Mum, now the whole world can see what you get up to!!! :-)

Riding a Giant??!!??

....had a nice ride on Sunday. Tania's Giant was a giant, as it held up a giant!!!

Putting my Xmas prezzie to good use...

...I'm sure you'll be impressed with these Mum:

First is chicken korma with basmati rice, ginger, flaked almonds and fresh coriander.

The second dish is steak with polenta and green beans. Finished off with baked Camembert with rosemary, black pepper and garlic. The melted cheese can be scooped or poured over the steak.

Impressed? They were both delicious!!!

A Welsh brother with soul...

...for you Mum. Watch all the way through. Some great moves!!!


Monday, December 22, 2008

My family...

...What a great time I had! Can't wait to see my Niece on Christmas day. She is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.
I just hope my Christmas presents arrive in time :(
Merry Crimbo to y'all!

What’s going on SA?

Today I feel the need to put something ‘down on paper’. I have been back in South Africa for three days and encountered the most shocking service that I ever had the displeasure of experiencing.

The fact that my luggage has still not arrived in Richards Bay does somewhat influence my jaundiced view of things, but that’s not the entire problem.

Having been ridden off the road by a taxi and only to be sworn at afterwards, was the icing on the cake today.

I do not want to sound like a whining ‘Whenwe’ and South Africa has only been good to me, but the stark contrast in service (with the US) is not just evident, but shocking. When I fail to hold a normal conversation with a lady by the name of Dora on the telephone and they are ‘still looking’ for my luggage, one tends to get a little frustrated after three days. Just how big is OR Tambo airport anyway?

I sit here and type out this plea and can’t help but wonder how fortunate I am that I have left. Just in time it seems…..

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Houston facts

Check out the link on the right of the blog regarding Houston. It's also below:

A foggy day!

Well today was pretty foggy. Not as cold as the last few days, but couldn't see very well.
I am officially on holiday!!! Gonna have some fun over the next few weeks, but also chill out a little. 2009 is gonna be a big year y'all!!!
Lots of travelling and exploring to be done :)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Some recent snaps

Here's a few pics over the last couple of days. It was 3 degrees getting in to the office this morning. Luckily I've invested in a nice overcoat!!!
I see there's some some great 'motivation' at the gym. Managed to sign up to the 24 hour fitness gym. There's one right outside the office. Heated swimming pools, jacuzzi's, lots of 'motivation' hanging around and, oh by the way, some exercise equipment :)
Check the price of gas. It's less than half the price in SA!!! Think I'm gonna buy me a big a$$ truck!!!
There's also a couple of pics I took on Sunday on the way out to Katy. Count the lanes....
Ciao for now.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Terraces on Memorial

Some more pics of the property that I've kind of made my mind up to purchase. I'll keep you posted....