Saturday, December 6, 2008

Duran Duran, Verizon Theatre, Houston, Tx, 12/5/2008

Well what can I say? They were a huge improvement from when I saw them last in the early nineties. Over 2 hours and they belted out the hits. Great rapport with the crowd. Didn't quite feel at home when Simon Le Bon shouts out, "How y'all doing Houston?!?!" I'm used to...."Howzit Durban!?!?", but hey...beggars can't be choosers.

A great jam session took place as Simon introduced the band, with the highlight being the whole theatre screaming to John Taylor, "play that fucking bass John, play that fucking bass John!" over and over. It was electrifying.

Duran Duran are: Simon Le Bon (Vocals), Roger Taylor (drums), Nick Rhodes (keyboards) and John Taylor (yup, bass).

Pics not so cool on my BlackBerry and a few too many Shiner Bocks (they sell alcohol in the stadium here!?!?)

Fireworks display outside in the city for some or other reason; man this place is huge. Spent an hour just shooting the shit with John beforehand, walking downtown checking things out. Slick Willies pool hall, Hard Rock cafe etc.

Anyway, gotta lot on today, so I'll sign off for now. AdiĆ³s Amigos!!! Practicing my Spanish before heading to Mexico :)

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