Saturday, December 6, 2008

Car shopping!!!

Decisions decisions.

Looks like i've a choice to make. Here's a couple of pics of an X5 that I may take, but I test drove the M3...drool!!! Need to make my mind up real soon.

Went for lunch at Panera Bread. Had the Chipotle Chicken; delicious.
Also a couple of pics of houses at Lakes of Parkway. Before and after house.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Decisions, Decisions indeed!!

If I can offer any advise go with your gut-feeling. Most often than not it works.

What is your car colour preference & why?

Anyway, at the end of the day why not spoil yourself, you've worked hard and rightly deserve it...

Lastly, the houses @ Lake of Parkway look stunning & the location idyllic /tranquil (after a hard day at the office)I suppose...