Monday, December 22, 2008

What’s going on SA?

Today I feel the need to put something ‘down on paper’. I have been back in South Africa for three days and encountered the most shocking service that I ever had the displeasure of experiencing.

The fact that my luggage has still not arrived in Richards Bay does somewhat influence my jaundiced view of things, but that’s not the entire problem.

Having been ridden off the road by a taxi and only to be sworn at afterwards, was the icing on the cake today.

I do not want to sound like a whining ‘Whenwe’ and South Africa has only been good to me, but the stark contrast in service (with the US) is not just evident, but shocking. When I fail to hold a normal conversation with a lady by the name of Dora on the telephone and they are ‘still looking’ for my luggage, one tends to get a little frustrated after three days. Just how big is OR Tambo airport anyway?

I sit here and type out this plea and can’t help but wonder how fortunate I am that I have left. Just in time it seems…..

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